As I set down to type out a few thoughts my mind is racing to the thought "Regaining your footing". I love to go hunting in the mountains of Idaho. In preparation for my hunt the first thing I do is get out my hiking boots, dust off the storage bunnies, chase out the spiders and mice, inspect the souls, laces, and put the boots on my feet. I want to make sure they will still get me through the hunting season. I cannot help but think about how we prepare for our daily routine. In most cases our shoes or boots are the last thing that we put on as we race for the door. Our shoes are very important for us as they will carry us through the day. I often have thought as my wife gets home from a long day at the office the first thing she does is get her feet out of the fashion shoes she has worn all day. If, while preparing for a hunting trip I took fashion shoes I would not get out of camp without my hunting buddies laughing me to scorn or secondly my feet would start hurting and toes cramping. The right footwear is important for the task. One time I decided to wear comfortable tennis shoes hunting. I thought I would hike in style, I quickly realized I was in trouble and it would not work. My ankles had no support, dirt and debris went into the shoes causing more irritation, my hike was cut short.
In life we must have the adequate shoes so we can keep walking forward. The Bible tells of the "Armor of God" in which one item mentioned is the Shoes of Peace. How appropriate it is as a believer that has come to faith in Jesus to walk in the peace of God. Have you slipped lately? Have you lost your footing? I would encourage you to put on the shoes of peace. It is the Peace of God that passes understanding. I may not understand why I am peaceful with all that is going on, however I rejoice that as I walk in the peace of God, I will REGAIN MY FOOTING!
Mountain View Christian Center is a Christian Church affiliated with the Assembly of God Church. It is a church that has the motto, Love God-Serve People. People of all faiths call Mountain View Christian Center home.
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Friday, April 27, 2012
Give and it Shall be Given
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Friday, April 20, 2012
Turning the hearts of the Fathers to the Children
Greetings on this Thursday April 19, 2012. I am continually amazed at the goodness of God. This week Mountain view Food Bank once again hosted a "ginormous" food give away to the community. Numerous miracles happened during the event. One of the coolest miracles happened as a father and biological father were reunited. Let me explain. One of our volunteers came running up to me during the event and said, "Pastor we need to talk". I said, whats going on. Well this lady said, I have been estranged from my biological father for years and I just saw him in the food line, right in front of me. What happened I replied. She continued to say that she had not seen or heard from this man for years and the bitterness and unforgiveness was eating at her and last Sunday during church service she was able to release the past to the Lord. Two days later she would come face to face to try out this new freedom. It worked, she explained with great joy. She was able to introduce her family to him as he spent several minutes talking with his daughter. As she was telling me this story, my heart melted and great tears of joy came flooding into my eyes. God is the God of Restoration. What we experienced is a fulfillment of the word of God, Malachi 4:6 And he (God) will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers,Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.” Have you been estranged from your earthly father? What about your heavenly father? Today is a great day to release the hurt and allow healing. |
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Weekend of Hope Invitation
Good Day on this April 5, 2012. I love this season for several reasons. With spring in the air, the dormancy of winter giving way to the lush greenery of grass, flowers, trees and oh yes pollen. The real reason I love the season is the opportunity to celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord. We will be celebrating this joyous time at the King fine arts Center in Burley this Sunday April 8th. I have attached invite cards so you can print off and invite your friends and family. It will be one of the most impacting services Mountain View has had to date. We will be revealing the site plans for the future on our Campus as well honoring a family for their contribution and vision in our faith community. You won’t want to miss it. We will be having one service starting at 10:00 and conclude at 11:30 a.m. We will also be broadcasting live from the center at Be sure to invite your friends and family.
I did something really cool this week. As we have been reading “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson he brings to light the importance of praying circles over our greatest needs and opportunities. I took this to a new level this week as I took a private place ride to pray over the cities of the Mini-Cassia area. We circled and prayed for the cities of Burley, Paul, Heyburn, Rupert, Asequia, Declo, Albion, & Oakley. I had a teary eye most of the flight as I thought about how Jesus must have felt as he prayed over his city of Jerusalem. I have great dreams and plans for this area. I see greatness everywhere I look.
· Come for our Community Breakfast April 7th starting at 7 a.m. Something special will be available for the Kids……
· April 8th-Weekend of Hope continues with Community Easter Service at the King Fine Arts Center Burley @ 10:00-11:30 a.m.
· Join us as we Celebrate The Resurrection of Jesus we ask that all Children Worship with us.
· April 9th Celebrate Recovery Leadership training 7:00 p.m.
· April 10th-Call in for Idaho Food Bank Box (208)878-5451
· April 10th-Women to Women with guest speaker Anita Tallon @ 6:30 (child care is provided).
· April 12th-Mvcc Board Meeting 6:00p.m.
· April 14th-NRA Banquet. See Josh Byce for more details.
· April 15th-Sunday Ladies Pie Auction Fund Raiser after the 11a.m. service.
· April 15th Celebrate recovery step study Graduation 11:00 service
· April 17th-Food Box Give Away. All volunteers must check in with Chris Bean.
· April 21st-Men’s Breakfast 7:00 a.m. here at MVCC.
· April 22-Pizza with the Pastor. See Rick Molina to sign up.
· April 23-25th-Pastors District Council in Nampa
· April 29th 6:00 p.m. Sacred Assembly 5th Sunday
· May 6th Baptism at our 11:00 a.m. Service. Sign up today
· June 8th-10th: Ladies Break Away 2012 Women’s Retreat. Pick up your registration form at the information center. $122 (on site) if postmarked by May 29th. Contact Kristine Molina for more information.
· LOVE & RESPECT classes have started. Every Friday for 13 weeks @ 7p.m. FREE Dinner is served @ 6p.m. (donations are appreciated).
· The Book of the Month Club is starting this month. Get your copy of “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson at the information center. Blog your comments or questions on our web site
· Do you know of anyone who is hearing impaired who would come to church service if they know we offered signing of the preaching? We now offer signing at our regular 9:00 a.m. service.
· Join with us as we study the book of St. Mark during the month of April in our regular scheduled church services on Sunday. Next week we will study Mark 1-3 at our 9:00 & 11:00 services
Mountain View Christian Center
317 Mountain View Lane
Burley, Idaho 83318
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