Great Thursday February 9th, 2011.
It was a normal Day as I awoke early, made my coffee and sat down to have my devotions. I try to read at least 2 hours a day in the morning. I always read my bible and a book of choice on leadership or something that challenges or enhances my thinking on ministry. I was expecting a normal day at the office when the phone rang. Our lives can suddenly change when the phone rings. I answered the call to find an old business associate on the other end of the line. He said that he was hosting a Faith Impact Day at the state of Idaho Legislature in which he wanted to highlight 14 Ministries in the state of Idaho who was making a difference in their communities without using tax dollars. He had heard of Mountain View Christian Center through another colleague and friend and wanted to extend an invitation to attend. As we spoke for thirty or so minutes on the phone, he asks me what all we were doing in our community. I didn’t know where to begin and where to end, so I started with the food. I said in 2011 we touched, fed or clothed 39,400 people, we are putting together a free medical clinic for the community, we have a job service that helps promote employers and employment, we have a celebrate recovery ministry that promotes healing from hurts, habits and hang-ups that meets each week, we have a chef that cooks a meal that is free to the community every Wednesday and Friday. We have a mobile food pantry that serves approximately 1000 people each month. We produce a weekly Mountain View Minutes that is posted on You Tube, face book and other social networks. This former business associate said that is exactly what we want to highlight on this Faith Impact Day. I ask when he planned to do this event, he said Monday February, 6th starting at 8:00 a.m. at the State house in Boise. I said I would be there and participate in the event. My mind raced OK Monday 8:00 a.m. Boise, 183 miles one way 2 hours 30 minutes drive time, I would have to leave at 5:30 a.m. I ask Pastor Joy if she would like to go with me she said sure, but not at 5:30 a.m. To make a long story short we arrived in Boise at 11:00 a.m. The day was planned around the Legislators schedule to maximize the exposure to the Ministries. The group was set up on the second floor of the Rotunda in the Capitol building with displays and material. We quickly found our place actually sharing space with a Ministry and put out paper articles of the things we had done. We only had an hour before Lunch where the Legislative group along with the Ministry groups would share Lunch together at a church near the capitol building. As I looked around the room at Lunch I recognized most of the Ladies and Gentleman who are serving our state. In my previous life as a Realtor we hosted numerous legislative gatherings. It was great to get acquainted now not as a Realtor but as a Pastor of one of the Greatest Churches in the State of Idaho. The kind words of affirmation rang through my spirit as many were amazed at what the Lord is doing throughout our community. I was truly honored representing Mountain View Christian Center at this gathering.
I will be preaching on the Book o Matthew Chapters 7-13 this weekend. Go ahead and read these chapters and try to identify the issues or areas of Life Jesus taught on. Hope to see you at service this weekend, and as you are coming bring a friend.
Take a look at what is happening at Mountain View This week…
Sunday Home Groups @ 5:30 p.m. Check the information center for your preferred location.
· February-is Ladies month to share a testimony of how God is alive in your life, LIVE STREAM with Penne Main. Sign up at the information center to save your spot.
· Feb.11th-”Courageous” movie night @ 7p.m. here @ MVCC.
· Feb. 13th-Ministry reports for the business meeting are due.
· Feb. 14th-Call in for IDAHO FOOD BANK PANTRY 878-5451.
Feb. 14th Valentine’s Day
· Feb. 17th-18th-Purity Conference for girls ages 10 years and up in Boise. Contact our Youth Pastor’s Dan or Sylvia Hendricks 431-2226.
· Feb. 18th-Men’s Breakfast here at MVCC 7a.m.
· Feb.19th-Pizza with the Pastor @ 1p.m. Sign up today @ the Information Center.
· Feb.21st-Senior Adult Ministries @ First Assembly of God in Twin Falls at 10a.m.
· Feb. 21st-Food Bank Food giveaway! All volunteers must check in with Chris Bean.
· Feb. 21st-Woman to Woman “Couponing” @ 6:30p.m. (child care will be provided)
· Feb. 22nd-Financial Peace University with Dave Ramsey hosted by Steve Lubinski. information is available at the information center.
· Feb. 24th-26th Register for Men’s Retreat today $145.00 (It’s not to Late)
· Feb.27th-Annual church business meeting.
· Feb.29th-New Wednesday evening classes are set to begin. *Financial Peace *Ladies discipleship *Study God’s Word!
· Fundraiser-Youth KFC fundraiser! See Pastor Dan or any youth attendee to get your ticket $10 each!
· Discounted crew neck sweaters, in stock, are available to pick at the information center for $10 each. Get yours today!
· All MEN!-Courageous bible study starting soon. $7 per book. Stay tuned for more information.
· Drop your business card in the offering plate so it can be put in the new online directory.
We Love you all,
Pastors Jim & Joy Powell
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