I just heard that the shipment of milk that Mountain view christian center put together has arrived in Joplin Missouri. I dont have pictures but if I ever do receive any I will pass them on to you all. Way cool. The outreach ministry of MVCC is not only National but world wide as well as we support 9 missionaries on a monthly basis. I want to do more. Each month on the second Sunday we honor our missionaries with a special offering. Our plan is to have a missions convention this fall to highlight all our missions groups. Speaking of missions we have officially kicked off our Coat Drive for the year. Last year we gave away 1200+- coats to the community. We want up our game and do more. We have recruited a person will real passion for the task of heading up the drive. Ramie Stenzel has graciously accepted this task. She will need help so if you are interested let her know. To give her a head start we was contacted by the Christmas Council who ask if we was going to do a coat drive, we said yes the next thing we knew we had 3-400 coats delivered to us. God is so great. A couple other cool things. You can now make donations to MVCC, Pay you tithes, & offerings from our Web site mountainviewchristiancenter.info through Pay Pal. Give it a try...
Our Celebrate Recovery group continues to rock the house with some cool stuff. This last weekend as we celebrated a time of communion at the conclusion of our church service the leadership of C/R served the communion elements. John Gerrard the director and leader of C/R wanted to do something fun for the ministry 3rd birthday. Thanks Guys... It was awesome. The C/R ministry just began a new series of step leadership studies. If you interested in joining see John. A couple of other items of interest. This Saturday July 16th a group of men and ladies are going to Richfield, Id to work on the Richfield Community Church. If you would like to go call the church office or call Josh Byce or Darrin Preece for more information.
Here is information that you will see in this Sundays Bulletin..
à TODAY!!! Baseball Today at the Burley fields @ 4 p.m. See Rick Molina or Machie Chavez. Bring your own gear and drinks. Everyone is invited to come play or watch. SEE YA THERE! Fair Booth meeting for EVERYONE who signed up to work in the food booth at the Cassia County Fair, in room #14 after 11a.m. service.
à July 24th- Co-Ed Golf Scramble at the Burley Golf Course at 3:00pm followed by an awards ceremony and picnic at 6:00pm. Cost in $24.00 per person.
Be sure to put down your 9 hole average or handicap by your name.
à July 28th-30th Royal Rangers District Camp Out in Stanley, ID.
Contact Jay Rice for more information @ 312-7223.
July 30th CR leadership BBQ. 2p.m. @ Thompson Flat. Bring your chairs, dinner ware, salad or dessert.
July 31st - Sacred Assembly 6 p.m.
à August 3 - 33rd year WEDDING ANNIVERSARY for Pastor Jim & Joy Powell. WAY TO GO!
à August 1st-5th Vacation Bible School 9:00am-12:00pm (K-6th grade) We still need more lots more volunteers. PLEASE CONTACT Crystal Lubinski 678-9445.
à August 15th-19th Cassia County Fair. If you would like to help in the Fair Booth, sign up in the Information Center.
à August 21st Baby dedications@ the 11a.m. service. Contact the Information Center for a sign up sheet.
à August 26th-28th Women’s Retreat at Camp KumBaYah. $35 see Kristine Molina for more details.
à COMING VERY SOON! On-line book store
à More pew bibles are needed. Donate $6 today for “PEW BIBLES” if you are interested or bring them by the office.
à Do you need to raise $ for your ministry or group? You can take over the Carpenters Cup Coffee shop with your group. See the information center for more details or to sign up for a month see Darrin Preece today!
à Check out Pastor Jim’s new BLOG! www.mvccburley.tumblr.com or www.mvcc.blogspot.com This isanother way to get information to you just like the E-Mail BLASTS.