Greetings on this last week in 2011. Can you believe it a New Year will be here on Sunday? What experiences have you gained in 2011? What heart ache? What Joy? What Miracles? As we reflect on 2011 it has been a year of stretching for us. In the food bank we went from serving tens to 100’s to thousands. In April we had the largest Give away to date where we gave away 150,000 pounds of food to 14 different communities. Church attendance we went from one service half full to two services. Our week end of Hope we had Service at the King Fine arts Center where over 700 faithful followers of Jesus attended. We had several State wide Church functions as well, District Council for all Assembly of God Churches in Southern Idaho, We had a Seniors Camp Meeting for the State as well as a Light For the Lost Banquet. It was a year that stretched the best of us. We stepped out on faith and hired several part time and full time staff. The Food Pantry was asked to start hosting a monthly food distribution for the Idaho Food Bank at MVCC. Once again stretch. The other sites they had been having the event could only handle 200+- families, to date as Chris Bean and her team took it on is now close to 500 families each month. Can I hear Stretch! To Date the amount of people and families that have been helped by Mountain View Christian Center through the food and clothing events has been over 35,000. This is not a misprint. With the other faithful ministries of the church thriving as well, Celebrate Recovery, M pact Girls, Royal Rangers, Mountain View Kids Church, Wednesday evening Classes, Bible Studies, Free Meals, Worship teams, Audio Visual, Our Internet Campus Ministry, Men’s, Women’s, Youth, Young Professionals and the host of others Ministries has experienced a growing and stretching time this last year. Not to mentioned the start up of the Free Medical Clinic. I could go on and on the miracles of this year past. What do we do with the year Past? We grow through the hard time, rejoicing at each turn, and rejoice in the good times knowing that they have come from the Lord. The Apostle Paul said it this way, Philippians 4:4 “Rejoice in the Lord Always and again I say Rejoice.” We must learn to praise Him in the good times as well as in the bad. Each time I read this scripture my mind races to a time past when I was in a farming accident that took part of my foot off. All I could do that dreadful day was to praise the Lord as the accident happened. To this day it is a calm reminder each time I look at my disfigured foot as how great is our God and how much I owe Him. Then my mind races to the times of miraculous provision when least expected. We must be aware that just as sudden the tragic happens to us The Miraculous can happen as well.
What Does 2012 hold for us? I have been in prayer asking that very question. This is what I heard in my spirit man. 2012 will be a year of Extremes. Extreme : Faith, giving, deposits of greatness, willingness, healing, worship, ability, boldness, caring, declaration, endurance, forgiveness, Grace, Joy, Liberty, Miracles, Order, Passion and steadfastness. Get ready; Your Miracle is only One Prayer away. I also don’t want to simply do church but BE the Church. What will the Lord ask of us as He will put a demand on our Faith? We would encourage each of you to begin the New Year with a time of Fasting and Prayer with us. On Sunday January 1, I will be preaching on Genesis 1:1 In the Beginning God…. Then on Sunday Evening we will begin Our Sacred Assembly, A time of Worship, Word, Fasting, Prayer, healing, and a special time with the Lord. We will have Sacred Assembly Packets available to be picked up at the information Center on Sunday. Come be a part of what God is doing! See Below what is happening. We will see you this weekend, and Don’t forget to invite a friend to Church service with You!!!!
· January 1 Communion Sunday.
· Tonight - Sacred Assembly - “Repenting & Fasting” @ 6 p.m. Pick up your Sacred Assembly packet @ the information center today.
· Monday, Jan. 2nd - “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” @ 7 p.m.
· Tuesday, Jan. 3rd - “Stewardship, Tithing/Giving” @ 7p.m.
· Wednesday, Jan. 4th - “Healing” @ 7p.m.
· Jan. 8th-New Sunday School classes start.
Steve & Susan Isaak-Adults room #16
Matt & Janin-Young professionals room #19
· Jan. 8th-Baptism service during the 11a.m. service. Time is running out, so please sign up at the information center today.
· Jan. 10th-Call in for Idaho Food Bank food boxes 878-5451.
· Jan. 10th-Woman to Woman @ 6:30p.m.
· Jan. 17th-Idaho Food Bank Food box giveaway!
· Jan. 21st-Men’s breakfast 7a.m.
· Jan. 22nd-Baby dedication during the 11 a.m. service. Sign up at the information center today and e-mail baby photo to
· Jan. 29th-Sacred Assembly @ 6p.m.
· Do you have a new e-mail address or have you moved? Please fill out the communication card and drop it in the offering.
· Starting immediately-FREE Wednesday & Friday night meals
@ 6 p.m.….Donations greatly accepted.
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