Great Thursday afternoon on this day of our Lord September 22, 2011.
I reported last week about Pastor Joy and the physical attach on her health. I want to bring you up to date. She is recovering but in her words “not fast enough”. Thank you for all your cards, prayers and calls to check on her. I am blessed to have her in my life and I also know she is a tremendous gift to you our church family and to the community.
I want to report on several items I have mentioned in past blasts. The medical clinic is progressing nicely; Nancy Gerrard is working hard making contact, meeting with the future volunteer staff. One clarification on the clinic, we are not in competition with Cassia Memorial, or Minidoka Hospital. Our goal is to compliment each of these facilities. We will not take the place of any of these services offered. Our business plan is coming together and will continue to do so as we lay it before the Lord. Thanks for your prayers. I have a meeting this afternoon to discuss plans for the food bank ware house and site plans. We do want to build for today but plan for tomorrow. It is not our goal to have such a ministry that will only last for a few years and then die. We have to be forward thinking and build a ministry that our Kids and grandkids will take over and, “do it right”. The site selected to build the facility is just east of the parking lot and drive way of the church. There is 2+- acres that the church is in negotiations to purchase that will work for the warehouse. We may have a “barn rising” in the near future. Speaking of the near future, I just got off the phone from the donor of the refrigerator trailers that have been promised. According to the point man of the organization, within a month we should have the trailers. With these trailers it will allow us to expand our current day to day operations from the Food Bank. A few additions to our monthly distributions, The Idaho Food Bank contacted Mountain View Christian Center and ask if we would host the monthly food pantry distribution on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The team came together and decided that hosting such an event was acceptable. The process will be a bit different than we are used to. A registration will be required so the food bank can deliver enough food. So beginning in October MVCC will assume the responsibility to facilitate this event. The calls will be fielded by our MVCC volunteer team on October 11th with our first distribution on October 18th. On the food issue. We have huge news. In conjunction with the Idaho food bank, South Central Community action Mountain view Christian Center will host the largest food give away to date on Sunday afternoon November 20th, 2011. We have a verbal commitment of 750+- turkeys, 400+- whole frozen chickens with all the trimmings of fresh vegetables, potatoes, with a Thanksgiving box that will bring great joy to families. As well at this event we will distribute the coats we have been collecting. There will be a huge turkey drive that could affect our numbers up or down, so please pray. We are also planning other events such as a job fair, kids’ finger printing and more that day. It will be a community event to remember. The process of getting a Thanksgiving box will be a registration that will begin October 25th-26th and November 1st. South Central Community action will handle 550 applications with MVCC handling the remainder. We need to do this so we have enough food. We do have a plan for those who did not have the ability to register. We don’t want anyone to do without. More to come on this event.
The new chairs for the fellowship hall have been ordered and should be here any day. We will have 245 all weather folding chairs complete with storage racks. This is a small change of what I had reported earlier. We were able to get 245 of the all weather chairs for the same price we would have been able to get only 130 of the folding padded chairs. They may not be as comfortable but they are affordable. With the 55 folding metal chairs,this will give us 300 chairs available for our larger events.
We are continually looking at the connection point systems we have in place and are working through the development and implementation of Home groups and church sponsored Interest groups. We met with Rick Molina today who is the Deacon/Executive leader in charge of this ministry. We are about ready to launch this opportunity and connection point. We realize that “just” going to church on Sunday is not enough. We need opportunities for people to connect with one another. Our theory is “Don’t do life alone”. In an effort to connect one with one another, this Sunday we are having a “pot Luck” dinner after the 11:00 a.m. service. The church will provide the meat, bread, drink and dinner ware, if you all would bring a salad or side dish that would be great. Oh Yes is it also a birthday Party for …. ME!!!!! Please come out and have a great time of fellowship and food. We will ask everyone in both services to have a name tag so look for the “hello my name is (Your name)” and write your name on it.
I have been giving you a few leadership tips each week. Here are a few ideas to ponder. (Leadership Gold, John Maxwell).
A leaders Credibility begins with personal success.
It ends with helping others achieve personal success.
To gain credibility you must consistently demonstrate three things.
1. Initiative: you have to get up to go up.
2. Sacrifice: You have to give up to go up.
3. Maturity: You have to grow up to go up.
I am preaching the book of 2 Timothy this weekend. A book that has 4 unified messages. 1. The power of the Gospel. 2. The Perseverance of the Gospel. 3. The Protector of the Gospel. & #4 The proclamation of the Gospel. Go ahead and read this book in preparation for Service on Sunday. You will not want to miss it.
See You Sunday and don’t forget to invite a friend to Church this weekend.
We Love you,
Pastor’s Jim & Joy Powell
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