Great Thursday fall afternoon to you all on this September 8, 2011.
We continue to be extremely blessed in our ventures at MVCC. Last Saturday September 3rd at 7:45 a.m a local grocer called me and said, Pastor I have 7+ pallets of cantaloupe I would like to donate to you. I said well give me a minute to devise a plan and I will call you back. Well I put a plan into action. I decided that I would go get a pallet and pass them out to my neighbors, send 2 pallets to Twin Falls First Assembly of God, who in turn has a new pastor in his second week, send 1 pallet to Hazleton Christian Center and we would distribute a total of 3+ pallets after each of our Worship services. What a great plan. I say that because it worked. I pulled into my neighborhood, I spotted a family I had not met, pulled into their drive way and said; Can you use some melons? He said well I guess I can. He had two teen age boys so I loaded them up. Then I said, can you boys help me? Let’s see, Paint a house or pass out melons. You guessed it. We passed out an entire pallet to my neighborhood. What a great out reach. At Church I contacted Craig Byce who was able to pick up the 3+ Pallets Sunday morning and have them ready to pass out to many of you. What a great blessing and outreach opportunity we were afforded by a gift. Wow we are blessed. The great news is that Not one box went to waste. Speaking of food, we were contacted several months ago from an agency who wanted us to partner with them. We have had a great relationship with Freedom Resources/Northwest Food Bank and will continue to do so but this came out of the blue. This agency has the ability to supply us with a tremendous amount of fresh produce, meat sources, and all the canned goods we can utilize on a monthly basis. We had a meeting today and the memorandum of understanding is signed. We will have the ability in two weeks to have vast amounts of food to supply to our community. The Goal of MVCC food bank is to continue serving the public two days a week with the ability to expand as necessary as well as hosting the large events like the fish give a ways. I will keep everyone up to date as this partnership unfolds and we have the ability to expand services. In the way of reporting MVCC Food bank received Gift in Kind donations of $9.843.71 and distributed $16,630. Serving 340 people in August with a year to date number of 3559 people served. It is truly amazing what we are able to do. An update on the quest building beside the church. I have received no word on the Letter of Intent. However we are proceeding looking at building a metal structure on the church property that would be large enough to handle the Food Bank daily operations. As I mentioned last week we have secured dry storage space from a local business man that should be adequate to handle the need for unrefrigerated space.
You will notice that the green/blue fellowship chairs are dwindling down. The executive committee made a decision to sell the large outdated bulky chairs and purchase padded folding chairs. Two churches in the local area have purchased the chairs and we are awaiting the arrival of our new seating.
This Saturday September 10th the MVCC Kids Church is having a Yard sale to get a jump on Camp 2012 come by the church and help out with the treasures.
Sunday We will have a great announcement: Dan Hendricks will be officially on full time staff starting Monday, September 12th . His official title will be “Family Life Worship Pastor” with the oversight of Youth, Worship, Audio Visual and Gofer. We are so blessed to have Pastor Dan Join us in this capacity. He will officially vacate his board seat to be able to fulfill this call.
Pastor Steve Lubinski had this to share with you all concerning the MVCC Kids Ministry…All of our Sunday Kids Church classes are currently learning about our old testament forefathers in faith. Our Beginning Explorers class (Ages 4-K) are learning to follow Joseph, Moses, and King David's example in loving, forgiving, caring, and trusting in God for His provision. Our two older classes, Young Explorers (Grades 1-3) and Explorers (Grades 4-6), are studying Kings and Castles. Through the old testament kings and leaders we are learning how to build strong walls, keep then enemy out, guard their hearts, and draw deep from the well, our God, our source. Thanks for your support, Pastor Steve L.
This Friday evening at Celebrate Recovery there is going to be a testimony of a man from MVCC who has a great story of God’s Grace and Salvation. 100 misdemeanors, 17 felonies plus a drug addiction. Come and hear How Great is our God… Dinner at 6:00 p.m. Taco’s, Worship at 7:00 P.m. with Justin Jones Testimony at 7:30 p.m.
Hey Let me preach at you for a minute. I just completed a book from John Maxwell entitled Leadership Gold. A great read about team building. We Here at Mountain View Christian Center have great team of Leadership, both volunteer and staff. Taken from the book are 5 dysfunctions of any team.
1. Absence of Trust… 2. Fear of Conflict…. 3. Lack of Commitment. 4. Avoidance of Accountability and 5. Inattentive to results. As we continue to build great leaders at MVCC we must take into account these 5 areas. More to come…
This Sunday I will be preaching on the book of 2 Thessalonians. The early church had stopped working for the Lord thinking it was too late that He had already returned and forgotten them. It will be a great sermon that will touch every heart. Also a tribute to 9/11. Come Experience Jesus in a New Light this weekend. Be sure to invite a friend to church..
Love Ya All,
Pastor Jim & Joy Powell
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