Great Day to you this January 26, 2012.
Hey this week as always seems to just bless me royally. I am committed to teaching men to pray and have started a Wednesday morning prayer at 7:00-8:00 a.m. The group is growing and the excitement and participation is increasing. I am following the Lord’s Prayer model taught to me many years ago. Come on out guys and allow me to teach you to pray, your life will never be the same. At the prayer time this last week we had a man who came for the first time who desperately needed God to intervene in his life. After prayer he went to work then on his lunch break went to the optometrist to pick up his new glasses that he did not know how he was going to pay for. He went in to the eye Dr as they fitted his glasses, oh he was so grateful for this opportunity for new glasses as he was reminded of the prayer earlier that morning, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done”. He went to the cashier to figure out a plan to pay for the new glasses when to his surprise the cashier said: Mr.----- your bill has already been paid. You owe nothing. Our God does answer prayer. He was flying high as he was telling me of the miracle of provision.
I had a meeting with a family earlier Wednesday afternoon who came into my office to tell me that “tithing” works. They had begun tithing as a result of a new commitment they had made to the Lord at our first of the year Sacred Assembly. They explained as they gave to the Lord the first fruits of their labor 10% for the first time God and had a check waiting in the mail for them on Monday. They explained that they did not know that they could tithe; they thought it was exclusively for “church members”. They were flying high. God honors his word, so let’s honor Him… I know this does not always happen this way, but God is God. Another cool story on giving is the young lady that gave all she had in the offering, as the Lord led her to. She got home to an empty pantry, and refrigerator wondering what had she done. Well God honored her faith as she went to check her balance of her account “only to find out” she had $43.00 added to her account miraculously. She sat in my office and told me that the account balance was $0 before church and God added a 4 and a 3 after church..We serve an awesome God.
A few items on the church from I want to keep you up to speed. This January 27th Friday Night at Celebrate Recovery Kristine Molina the wife of one of our Executive leader’s wife will share her testimony. Come on out and hear how God delivered, provided and set free this wonderful woman of God!
Hey Couples, singles, or bored come on out for Game night January 28th in the family life Center. Meet up at 6:00 p.m for a fun filled night.
• This Sunday I will be preaching from the book of Genesis on the “Faith of Abraham” Are you looking for direction in your life? Are you unsure of who you are in Christ? Abraham’s faith was based on these 4 areas. 1. Revelation 2. Obedience 3.Trust 4. Consistent Contact with God.
Be sure to log into our web site for new videos of what’s happening in our Mountain View Minute, live stream, as well as the calendar of events. Hey we have created an easier way to log in to the Web Site.
Be sure to join me at Pizza with the Pastor this Sunday at 1:30 p.m. If you new to the church and want an opportunity to meet the Pastoral Staff and leadership please join us. There is still limited space available so please call the church office asap 208-678-5460 to reserve your space.
Each 5th Sunday month we join together at 6:00 p.m. for a continuation of our Sacred Assembly time. An opportunity to enjoy off the hook worship, great word and a time to receive all God has for us. We are blessed to have a wonderful member of the team MVCC preaching that evening. Pastor Joy will bring the word. If you have heard her you will agree she is a breath of fresh air as she flows in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. If you have never heard her preach, you will be amazed at this woman of God!
Come and Experience Jesus this weekend! As you come don’t forget to invite a friend to come with you.
We Love you,
Pastor Jim Powell
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