Good Morning on this January 12, 2012.
Hey several things this week that are going on that I want to let you know about. First and foremost is that God loves you and has a plan for your life. I spoke last week about choices. The choices we make today will affect our lives and the lives of our family for generations. During our Sacred Assembly time I challenged Mvcc and all believers to do several things, to develop a regular time of Prayer and Fasting utilizing Isaiah 58:6 as a pattern and reason for fasting, secondly to believe God with all that we have and develop a lifestyle of Tithing, and thirdly make ourselves ready to be God’s hand extended in the area of Miracles. Many really cool God stories are coming forth. I received a call this week from several who have started praying on a regular basis and how God is answering prayers already. We are taking this area of prayer to a new level at MVCC. On Wednesday mornings I am committed to teach Men How to pray. Within the last two weeks we have had numerous men that come to the church at 7:00 a.m. to pray. The testimonies that coming forth is nothing short of miraculous as God is answering prayers. Keep it up Guys and spread the word. The Wednesday morning times will continue as the Lord is leading in a cool direction. I will keep you posted as to what is on the horizon with this time. Another call I received this week had to do with Tithing. During our Sacred Assembly we put forth a 90 day commitment to tithe. There is only one area in the Bible where God says “TRY ME” and it deals with tithing (10%). I received a call this week from a family who said they really believed God and put him to the test. They tithed activating their faith last Sunday knowing they had other obligations that would have to wait. On Monday the phone rings with an excited voice on the other end telling me of the story, the excitement was coming forth as he explained how God had already come through and blessed the family with more that the tithe check was written for unexpectedly. God Honors His word!!!! I encourage you to “Attack Your Lack”, and put God to the test in the area of your finances. If you have not already done so make a commitment to be a giver. Go to the web site and download the message on Blessed to be a Blessing (Sacred Assembly Part 3). Get ready to be blessed. The third challenge was miracles. This last Sunday I saw a man whom I had never had the opportunity to meet. As I was at the door greeting after 2nd service I introduced myself and he told me his name. I recognized his name from the communication cards as his son was putting his father’s name and need on the prayer section of the card each week. His father had cancer and was not expected to live. Well this was the man we had been believing the Lord would Heal. He told me he HAD to come to the house of God to give thanks for all the prayers as he was “Cancer Free” God had healed him. With tears streaming down his face, his sons face my face, Pastor Steve’s face we stopped and gave thanks. We serve a God of Miracles. This is why we have you each week fill out the communication cards with your prayer needs on them. We do pray for the needs each week during staff meeting. What do you believe the Lord for? Keep the faith.
I mentioned the Web site; you have to see the new design and features. We have worked hard making it as user friendly as possible. Check out our online book store, church directory and the other cool features. In fact make your home page on your computer.
We have begun the New Year in the area of Christian Education with a great start. We have several new teachers and classes you won’t want to miss. Pastor Steve and Susan Isaak started a Christian Basics Class, Matt and Janin Wright started a “Young Professionals” class, as well with several New teachers on board, Jennifer and mom Gail Gallegos and Barry and Dawn Robinson are teaching new Kids classes. Thanks Guys….
Our mid week services are “Off the Hook “exciting. It always starts with a Free Meal at 6:00 p.m. (donations accepted and appreciated) then off to the classes we are offering at 7:00. Currently we are offering Love and Respect taught by Rick and Shawna Kraus and a Bible class taught by Rick Molina. Come be a part. We have just set the classes for our next session which includes “Peace University, Dave Ramsey, I will be teaching a class on Understanding the Bible, and Joy will be teaching Ladies Discipleship. These classes will start February 22nd. Watch for details and signup sheets.
We have our Next Food Give A Way planned. On Tuesday January 17th at 9:00 a.m. We need your help. If you can help with this event please call the church office 208-678-5460 and let our office staff know you are available. (ALL HANDS ON DECK).
A really cool ministry we are starting is “Pizza with the Pastor”. This is designed to welcome all our new family members to a fun informative time where we get to tell our story of who we are, our mission, methods and values, what we believe and more. This is the first step in getting involved at Mountain View. The lunch is scheduled for January 29th. There will be a sign up sheet at the information Center on Sunday. Space is limited so sign up Sunday..
Hey, Guys our Annual Trek to the Mountains for our Men’s Retreat is right around the corner. February 24-26th is the date you will want to mark on your calendar, let your boss know you need the weekend off. I emailed the flier to numerous ones this week. The cost for the weekend is $135.00 if we get registered by February 7th. The Men’s ministry is planning a fund raiser on February 5th for scholarships, yes this is Super bowl Sunday, be watching for details. Plan to attend the Retreat this year.
This Sunday January 15th you are in for a real Treat as our Former Pastor and current Superintendent Doyle and Julia Fulkes will be with us for both Sunday morning Services at 9 & 11 a.m. be sure to invite a friend to service this week. He will be preaching on Joseph in the Book of Genesis. You won’t want to miss it.
Come get involved with God is Doing at Mountain View Christian Center, where we “Love God, and Serve People”.
We at Mountain View Christian Center want to have a shout out to the New President of the Mini-Cassia Chamber of Commerce Darrin Preece who also serves on our Executive Board. Congratulations Darrin we are proud of you!
We Love you all,
Pastors Jim & Joy Powell
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