Greetings this March 29, 2012
It never ceases to amaze me of the goodness of our God. Let me explain. We have many facets of activity going on at all times. The food ministry this week received the first of 2 installments from United Way, we finally received the title on the freezer trailer that had had gotten lost in the mail, we finalized contracts with the King Fine arts Center for our Week End of Hope, we finalized advertisement layout for publication, (see this week’s front page of the Voice), I received the initial conceptual design of the site plan at our campus site, We received notification that we will have ample steel head and salmon to give away this year, I received word that the cost of transportation to and from the fish pick up site would be underwritten this year, we met with a design team to finalize the Freezer trailer design all while putting the finishing touch on the Carman Concert the we are hosting on Saturday night. Just an average week at Mountain View Christian Center. In addition to all this activity we are constantly being stretched for time, space and strength. Out Mid week services which includes Peace University, Equipping the Saints along with all the youth and kids programs are off the hook exciting. We recently added another option to our other weekly events that is Love and Respect class, a marriage and relationship class on Friday nights along with Celebrate Recovery. At each of our mid week events we have a meal that is provided. I just received the number of people our Kitchen Staff under the direction of Richard Sizemore served in the month of March. They served 909 meals. Wow thy do keep busy. I also received the amount of food that was donated to MVCC food Pantry in the month of March.
Would you believe 16,350 pounds of food and product came into the warehouse? In addition to all of this the team served 325 households a food box and assistance during our monthly food distribution. Some other news I received this week is from the Free Medical Clinic. We are getting close to opening the doors. We have facility, Dr’s , nurses and are awaiting for supplies and for one of the Dr’s to step up to be the medical director. We will be on a fund raising campaign soon so stay tuned.
Would you believe 16,350 pounds of food and product came into the warehouse? In addition to all of this the team served 325 households a food box and assistance during our monthly food distribution. Some other news I received this week is from the Free Medical Clinic. We are getting close to opening the doors. We have facility, Dr’s , nurses and are awaiting for supplies and for one of the Dr’s to step up to be the medical director. We will be on a fund raising campaign soon so stay tuned.
We are excited about the week end of Hope this year. We have a great Easter Resurrection service planned at the King Fine arts center. The facility only holds 1310 so you will want to come early on Easter Sunday. The service will include ……. Well I will wait to let know what all we have planned until next week.
Have you secured your book to take a part of the Book of the Month Club? We have a few extra copies at the information center. We have the blog site operational from our web site so as you are reading the book and have a question thought or praise log on and share your thoughts or questions. The book is Circle Maker by Mark Batterson.
This week I am beginning the series on the book of St. Mark for the entire month of April. You will not want to miss out what God is saying through this book, so go ahead and make it part of your reading plan to keep up with me. This week I will keep in step with events of the day as we preach on Palm Sunday in Chapters 11-14 of Mark. As you are coming to service be sure to invite a friend to attend with you.
Take a look at what else is happening at Mountain View…
· April 7-8 Weekend of Hope. Community Breakfast April 7th 7:00 a.m– 10:00 a.m.
· Next Week our Services are at the King Fine Arts Center 1 Bobcat blvd Burley, ID 83318
· April 8th Community Easter Service at the King Fine Arts Center 10:00-11:30 a.m.
· April 10th Call in for Idaho Food Bank Box 208-878-5451
· April 12th Mvcc Board Meeting
· April 14th NAR Banquet see Josh Byce for Details
· April 15th Sunday Ladies Pie Auction Fund Raiser
· April 17th Food Box Give Away ( sign up today to Volunteer)
· April 21st Men's Breakfast 7:00 a.m.
· April 22 Pizza with the Pastor sign up with Rick Molina
· April 23-25th Pastors District Council in Nampa
· June 8-10 Ladies Retreat in Cascade Cost $122.00 sign up today
· LOVE & RESPECT classes have started. Every Friday for 13 weeks @ 7p.m. FREE Dinner is served @ 6p.m. (donations are appreciated).
· Wednesday morning Men's Prayer @7 a.m. “Could you not Tarry One hour.”
· Sponsor MVCC Bookstore online! Check out the website or the information center and order your merchandise today!
· The Book of the Month Club is starting this month Get your copy of “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson at the information Center. Blog your comments of questions on our web site
· Do you know of anyone who is hearing impaired who would come to church service if they know we offered signing of the preaching?
· Order your FOOD PANTRY fundraiser pies at the Information Center today. Please pre-pay $8 each. Chocolate, Strawberry, Coconut Cream, and Lemon Meringue.
· Thank you to all who pledged your support on the Fish give away transportation costs.
We Love you,
Pastors Jim & Joy Powell