Good afternoon on this 15th day of March 2012.
I have a question for you. Do you have a regular time set aside for devotions and prayer? I want you to know I really enjoy spending time with the Lord in Prayer and devotion. My schedule is as much of a routine and part of me as eating and breathing. I didn’t always have such an attitude. I began as a new Christian asking God to teach me to pray and to have the desire to spend time in devotion and prayer. Initially the desire seemed to come in seasons, I would get geared up to pray and spend time reading and it would go great for a season and then, all of a sudden I would get busy. I would forget, I would get lazy whatever the reason I would slack off or even stop. Was the desire still there, yes but something was missing, that word is discipline. I would go along great coasting on the blessings of yesterday, riding the wave of my prayers from last time until I would hit a brick wall. I had to face a correction point in my life. That correction point would often show up in an adversity, trial, dilemma, or a painful event that would discipline me. I don’t like to be disciplined, I don’t know of anyone who does. The fact is “all we like sheep have gone astray”. Correction is needed when this happens. In our society we have correction points. Leap year which aligns our calendar, survey points to bring the circumference of a legal description to a close. Often when we face a correction we hit the delete key as on our computer keyboard when we want to correct a misspelling or mistake. I have learned that if I do not want to face constant correction or discipline, I must do the right things more often than not. I have become disciplined in my prayer and study life. The third “D” if you are following the pattern is Delight. I have learned that if I stick with it and diligently pray there is great delight now and forever. I have always been an early riser; I think it is a result of growing up on a dairy farm. In the early hours I have an appointment with the Lord that I will not be late for. I have tried to sleep in and it is often fruitless as I get the tap on the shoulder from the Holy Spirit. It’s time for your appointment Mr. Powell. I jump to my feet and feel the discipline, kind but firm reminder of the appointment that I said I would never be late for and rush to the place of prayer and devotion. The delight it brings is endless, brightens my day makes my week, with the forecast of blessing looking great. I encourage you to begin asking the Lord for the desire to spend quality time with Him. It will change your Life and reestablish your families’ destiny for generations to come.
Some really cool things have happened this week. It started off on Tuesday where our Mvcc Food Bank was the recipient of a $2500 grant from united way. As Chris Bean and her team was receiving this blessing a call came in to the office from a local building supply store who donated 150 interior household doors to us. The plans are to utilize these doors in Home Mission churches. I must admit that the Lord whispered within the confines of my spirit that multiple doors are opening for Mountain View Christian Center. It was quite interesting because the next day a call came in that we had an unexpected shipment of food product donated to us. As well the Medical Clinic received a $2850.00 grant for computers just yesterday. I often ask the Lord, What Next?
We still have a few Carman concert Tickets available, you can go to the web site and order them or stop by the office. The Concert is March 31st at 6:00 p.m.
We are preparing for April with a book of the Month Club. All who wish to participate will purchase the book, we do have a few at the information Center or you can go to our Online Book store between March 23-April 1 where they will be on sale. We will read the book together and have the opportunity to write your comments or thoughts on the Blog page that will be set up for that purpose. Remember Readers are Leaders…
Here is what is happening this week at MVCC..
· Sunday Dr. Castleberry President from North West University will be with share a message with us.
· March 20th-Idaho Food Bank food pick up. All volunteers must check in with Chris Bean.
· March 20th-Senior Adult Ministries @ Puerta Al Cielo Church. 6th and Elba St. Burley, Id. Bring a covered food dish for the Pot-Luck @ 10a.m.
· March 25th-All MVCC church potluck after 11 a.m. service. Everyone is invited! Don’t forget to bring your appointed dish to the Pot-Luck.
· March 26th-30th-WOO HOO!! Spring Break for public Schools!
· March 31st @ 6:00 p.m. Carman is in the House. Tickets on Sale Today….$10.00 each. (No child care will be provided) Every person is subject to be charged admission.
· LOVE & RESPECT classes have started. Every Friday for 13 weeks @ 7p.m. FREE Dinner is served @ 6p.m. (donations are appreciated). Sign up at the information center today.
· Wednesday morning Men's Prayer @7 a.m. “Could you not Tarry One hour.”
· Courageous Men’s bible study 8a.m.-9a.m. Saturday morning through the month of March taught by Pastor Jim Powell. Please sign up at the information center. Books are $7 each.
· Sponsor MVCC Bookstore online! Check out the website or the information center and order your merchandise today!
· Prayer on Saturday nights @ 6p.m. is open to anyone who feels called to intercede for Sunday services.
· Gas Stoves previously used by MVCC are now FOR SALE. Only $125 each contact MVCC office.
· The Book of the Month Club is starting soon… The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson
· Congratulations to the MVCC Food Pantry on receiving a grant from United Way….
· Do you know of anyone who is hearing impaired who would come to church service if they know we offered signing of the preaching?
Invite someone to church service this weekend. Sunday at 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. You can also watch us on line at
We Love YOU all,
Pastors Jim & Joy Powell
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