Good afternoon this Day of the Lord March 2, 2012.
I recently attended a Men’s retreat where 40+- from Mountain View attended with a group of 220+- Men. The speaker who is a missionary in the Caribbean Islands brought the heat ( no pun attended) through the word of God. He made a comment in one of his messages that rang true with me. He gave us several points to ponder one of which I will talk about. 1. Set boundaries. 2. Create Accountability. 3. Read and Memorize Scripture. 4. Run From Evil. 5. Develop a life of prayer. 6. Don’t turn off your alarm System. And #7 Celebrate Victories. I could focus on any of the above but want to focus on #6. Don’t turn off your alarm system. I was thinking of the home or business with a security system in place to avert or detour a thief. If a thief brakes in the alarm system goes off if it is set correctly and notifies the police. The system creates a sense of safety and peace of mind for the owner. If the alarm fails to be set or fails to go off the thief can ransack, steal valuables and do irreplaceable damage. In our own spiritual life if we fail to set the alarm system the enemy of our souls comes in to steal kill and destroy. We must all set the alarm over your mind, eyes, heart, hands, feet, mouth, ears and post a no trespassing sign to alert the enemy that the system is alarmed. How do we set up the alarm system? Well that is where the other 6 items mentioned above come in. In addition to the items mentioned we need the Holy Spirit to be reveled to us and know the voice of God. When the home /business system goes off it give off a shrill whistle, loud siren sound or another annoying sound that is often deafening. When the Holy Spirit alerts us it is often a still small voice. Get away, don’t answer the door, run, don’t look, turn off the computer, get out of there are words that I have heard as the Holy Spirit was spoken to me. If you have never set the alarm you are fair game for the enemy to steal from you. I could write chapters on this topic but for now… Set your alarm or Don’t turn your alarm off!
Some really cool things are happening at Mountain View. As I mentioned last week we had a Freezer Trailer donated to us well plans are underway to put a design on the exterior. Several have given me some really cool ideas, if you have an idea let me know.
This past Monday we had our annual business meeting. What a time of celebration we had as we started with a potluck or pot bless or broke bread together and then went into the sanctuary to continue with a look at what God had done in 2011. We will post all the reports on the web site real soon. On Wednesday we began our new series of classes. Peace University (Dave Ramsey) taught by Steve and Crystal Lubinski and a discipleship taught by Pastor Joy and I. If you have never participated in our mid week services you will be royally blessed as we start with a meal at 6 and class at 7 and out by 8:15 p.m. Speaking of Mid week we are adding to our Friday night services. Tonight, not only will we be offering a free meal, Celebrate recovery and Children’s ministries but we are starting our Love and Respect class taught by Rick and Shawna Krause. Dinner at 6 p.m class at 7:00 P.m. Books are available at the event for $6.00 each. I mentioned Rick and Shawna, big congratulations to Rick as he was elected to a 3 year term on the executive board at MVCC. Also a huge thank you to John Gerrard and Richard Tundag for serving on the executive board at MVCC. Each of the men has fulfilled their terms on the board… THANKS Gentlemen.
Another opportunity for men that we have created is participate in the bible study Courageous. I will be teaching the bible study starting This Saturday March 3rd at 8:00 a.m. Books are $7.00 each. Breakfast will be included each week… Hope you guys can make it.
The church offices have been contacted recently and ask if we had services for the hearing impaired. We have been planning for these services and will prayerfully have an announcement soon. If you know of hearing impaired families let them know, it’s coming soon..! If you would like to participate in this service and know sign language let us know asap.
I will be preaching on the book of Exodus in the month of March, as we preach through the bible one month in the Old Testament and one month in the New Testament. As you come to church this weekend be sure to invite a friend. See you Sunday. Be sure to go to the web site and check out all of what’s happening.
We Love you all,
Pastors Jim & Joy Powell
TODAY-Communion Sunday
March 11th-Time change. Spring forward! Set your clocks 1 hour ahead.
· March 13th-Call in for “Idaho Food Bank”
· March 18th-Dr. Castleberry President from North West University will be with share a message with us.
· March 20th-Idaho Food Bank food pick up. All volunteers must check in with Chris Bean.
March 25th-All MVCC church potluck after 11 a.m. service. Everyone is invited!
· LOVE & RESPECT classes are set to begin again for those who missed it last time around. Every Friday for 13 weeks @ 7p.m. FREE Dinner is served @ 6p.m. (donations are greatly appreciated). Sign up at the information center today.
· Courageous Men’s bible study 8a.m.-9a.m. Saturday morning taught by Pastor Jim Powell. Please sign up at the information center. Books are $7 each.
· Sponsor MVCC Bookstore online! Check out the website and order your merchandise today!
· HELP WANTED!!! - Volunteer Nursery help is needed. If you have a heart for children and are want to help with this ministry please see Kerry Zemke.
· Prayer on Saturday nights @ 6p.m. open to anyone who feels called to intercede for Sunday services.
· Men's Prayer each Wednesday morning @7 a.m. “Could you not Tarry One hour”
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