August 4, 2011
Greetings on this Great day of the Lord. Wow We just flew in from Seattle Washington where we have invested a week in spiritual boot camp. We attended a team conference hosted by Champion Center in Tacoma, WA. We left after church last Sunday to drive to Boise to catch a flight that evening. We arrived in Seattle at 8:30 p.m. as our flight was delayed. Yahoo, what a way to start off the trip. We were to stay with a good friend and former Real Estate Client who lives in Graham, WA for the week. Upon arrival we called him for directions and he guided us in to his place, well ok I got lost once maybe twice. We arrived at our home away for home at 10:00 PST. It was a long day. Our conference started Monday evening so we had a time to see our friends business, He makes plane and space craft parts. It was cool holding a part knowing that it would be flying around the world or be going into outer space. Terry our friend an host is a Great Brother in the Lord attending the same church for 35 years. He had just purchased a new horse to add to his 2 others so we were treated to country living in the City. The conference had top national voices in the spirit filled Christian world. Jensen Franklin, Darleen Zschech, Terry Christ, Kevin Gerald and other great men of God. We were challenged, stretched, filled up, exhorted, encouraged, motivated and moved as the Holy Spirit energy filled the packed auditorium each day and evening. It was a great time of celebration as well as the church was celebrating 25 years of Ministry with Pastor Kevin Gerald and his wife at champion center. It was awesome to witness what Pastoral longevity does for a church body and city. The conference ended around Midnight last evening August 10th and we were up and out the door just after 4:00 a.m. to catch our flight to Boise. One thing I realized at this large event. We have a great church body right here in Burley Idaho at MVCC. We have the potential for greatness beyond what we could ever ask or think. I needed to see a model that was bigger, more vibrant, had more going on that us and I did. Not to copy or replicate the bigger model but to expand my vision. Speaking of vision, I had a meeting with the director or domestic affairs for World Vision whose headquarters is in Tacoma, Wa. So happens that Terry our friend’s daughter works there. I told them what we were doing with the food and clothes in our valley and ask them to partner with us. They said they would be honored to do so. We are not sure what that looks like but I do know anything World Vision gets involved with is great. Just a side note I asked them for containers of Medical supplies to supply our Medical Clinic, I asked them for a container of Shoes for our Kids in the community, I ask them for... , well I can’t tell you because you might think I am crazy. Well as I have said in the past I am, Crazy with passion to “Love God, and Serve People”. One funny note I say a man taking pictures last evening with many of the church members and pastors, me in my non assuming way approached this gentleman and said, Excuse me sir but Who are you? He never did answer me but later found out it was Darrel Strawberry who played for the Mets and the Yankee’s. I ask him what was he doing with Jesus? A funny story that I will cherish. No I didn’t feel like a fool, I just wanted to know so I ask. My approach to life is not to be intimidated by anyone; we are all just people on a journey. One other highlight was I was asked to preview a leadership book that is slated to be a #1 Best Seller. I met the Author who happened to be a friend of Terry(my friend) and he ask us to be critics and preview this book. I have never done this before but am up for the challenge. Ok I have been rambling on and on. Hey some Great Stuff had been going on at MVCC. This week had been a week filled with fun and excitement as Panda mania and the VBS crew has taken over the building. A great big shout out to the Children’s staff and volunteers for making it happen. This weekend I will be preaching on the book of Galatians, I know I will be bringing the heat so you won’t want to miss it. Go ahead and invite a friend to church this week. Remember 9:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Both services are the same.
Be sure to sign up for your Picture this weekend…..
Here is what’s Happening at MVCC
· TODAY!!/Sunday - Register for your FREE 8x10 portrait or $25 gift card from Olan Mills in the foyer today. Online church directory is on its way! Only 2 weeks left to sign up. Come take advantage of this deal! See Machie for more information
· August 16th-20th Cassia County Fair. If you would like to help in the Fair Booth, sign up at the Information Center. MVCC will have a float in the Burley parade on Wednesday, see Dan Hendricks if you want to participate.
· August 20th at 1 p.m. Richard & Whitnee Sizemore will renew their
· wedding vows, here @ MVCC at 1 p.m. You are invited to come.
· August 21st Baby dedications@ the 11a.m. service. See the
Information Center today to sign up.
· August 21-23 District Senior Camp meetings here @ MVCC.
· August 24 6 - 9 p.m. Welcome Back to “FAMILY NIGHT” kick off. Dinner, Games & lots of fun. $5 a person & ages 3 and under EAT for FREE!! Call Staci Hobbs 670-3211 for more information.
· August 26th-28th Women’s Retreat at Camp Kum Ba Yah. $35 see Kristine Molina for more details or sign up at the information center.
· September 17th - ALL young married couples are having a “Game Night”. We will keep you posted. See Matt or Janin Wright for more information.
· October - Northwest University Southern Idaho Extension “Sharpen your tools for the HARVEST.” Offering two Degrees B.A. in Ministry Leadership/A.A in Christian Leadership. Classes begin October 2011, for more info John Wilkie (208) 859-8583.
· Check us out at, another way to get information to you like the E-Mail BLASTS.
· Live stream - Let someone know about the Live stream and website.
· JOIN MvccBurleyId’s FACEBOOK to stay in touch with events.
· Know of a job? Let us know about it, and we will post it.
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