August 11, 2011
Good afternoon on this Great Day of our Lord. Ok it is official we have Fish. We are planning for another fun faith filled event of giving to our Community. “Love God, Serve People” is what Mountain View Christian Center is all about, so this is your “All Hands on Deck” call. We will start setting up at 4:00 p.m. Friday and will attempt to start passing out the fish and other product at 5:00 p.m. Come help and get involved. We have a plethora of Potato products as well as the Salmon (Chinook). Please pray that we receive more fish than we were told, as well pray that we touch and reach the community with the Life giving Savior. Each time we do these outreaches my heart is expanded and challenged of the immense need that is in our community. Please pass the word to your friends and co-workers of this event to either partake or come and help. We will have hamburgers and hotdogs for donation available for this event.
As you will remember we had Vacation Bible School last week, the boys and girls had a great time with the theme “Panda Mania”. I believe the greater lesson learned was the mission of the Church, “Love God, Serve People”. They had a competition of who could bring the most canned food items. Well the girls won, but in reality all did. A total of 1300 cans and items was collected for the food pantry. Now the heat is on. The children’s church staff and the food ministry staff have placed a challenge to the congregation to beat them. So for the next few weeks we are having a food drive to help. Please bring a canned food item or a case or two of food items. The day to day need is enormous in our area. According to Chris Bean our director the church as already served more food to the community through our food pantry than all of last month. We do have gracious donors but we need your help. Thanks…
Just an Fyi’s, Where we giving fish away to the community on Friday which is the normal night that Celebrate Recovery meets, the group will join in with the community service meeting.
The Ladies break away has been postponed this year. It was scheduled for the August 26-28th. Instead they are planning to have an all Ladies day on the River August 27th. Please log on to the web site for details.
Hey I am so excited about this Sunday. I am almost positive that this will be the best sermon I have ever preached. It is on the book of Ephesians. It deals with Marriage, Family, Kids, Church structure and order. It will be a great word. You will not want to miss it…. Have you missed any of the messages due to summer vacation? Log on to the Website or order you DVD of the service from the information center. Also please pass the word about our live stream. We broadcast our 11:00p.m. Service Live TV via the web. It is a blast. A really cool thing is the ability to pay your tithes and offerings through the web site. People are using this feature to make sure that the House of the Lord is taken care of. I am so grateful for the faithfulness of you Gods People. I continually hear the praise reports as people honor the Lord with the first fruits of their labors (tithe) How God had honors His Word, pouring out blessings that cannot be contained. Ya hoo, Go God..
If you want to be included in the Church Pictorial Directory you need to sign up this weekend. It takes 3 minutes, so I’m told. Come on we want to know who you are!!!! YES YOU…….Ok I’m done for this week.
Don’t forget to invite a friend to church this weekend……
Love Ya all.
Pastor Jim
· Sunday August 14th - MEETING in room #11 with Crystal Lubinski after 11 a.m. service for anyone dedicating their baby on Aug 21st. Register for your FREE 8x10 portrait or $25 gift card from Olan Mills in the foyer today. Only 1 week left to sign up. See Machie for more information. Photo’s will be taken here @ MVCC.
· August 17-No Wednesday Night services/dinner @ MVCC... SEE YA AT THE FAIR!
· August 16th-20th Cassia County Fair. There is still time to sign up at the
Information Center. MVCC will have a float in the Burley parade on THIS
Wednesday, see Dan Hendricks if you want to participate.
· August 20th at 1 p.m. Richard & Whitnee Sizemore will renew their wedding vows, here @ MVCC at 1 p.m. You are invited to come.
· August 21st Baby dedications@ the 11a.m. service. Attend the meeting today.
· August 21-23 District Senior Camp meetings here @ MVCC.
· August 24 6-9 p.m. Welcome Back to “FAMILY NIGHT” kick off. Dinner, Games & lots of fun. $5 a person & ages 3 and under EAT for FREE!! Call Staci Hobbs 670- 3211 for more information.
· August 27th– Ladies “Night out” 5 p.m. @ Margie Lopez’s. Bring a covered dish, lawn chair, towel, & life jacket if you have one.
· September 4th - Membership class @ 6 p.m. here at MVCC.
· Sept 6th-FOOD PANTRY hours are changing for the Fall & Winter. Tuesday & Friday from 9 a.m.—12 p.m. Bring your photo I.D.
· Sept 10-Ushers/Greeters potluck BBQ @5:30 @ the home of the Byce’s. Meat will be provided. Bring your chairs/drinks and a covered side.
See Craig Byce for more information or call 431-7402.
· Sept 10 - Kids Church garage sale 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. @ MVCC Call Steve Lumbinski.
· September 17th - ALL young married couples are having a “Game Night”. We will keep you posted. See Matt or Janin Wright for more information.
· Sept. 23– OPEN HOUSE for Celebrate Recovery. Its about what we do and who we are. Everyone is invited to come see what is happening and where we are going with CR.
· October - Northwest University Southern Idaho Extension “Sharpen your tools for the HARVEST.” Offering two Degrees B.A. in Ministry Leadership/A.A in Christian Leadership. Classes begin October 2011. For more information contact John Wilkie (208) 859-8583.
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