Great “Now” Friday afternoon. As I write this blast I am once again overwhelmed of the Goodness of God. I and a team from our medical clinic attended a conference in Boise all day Thursday. Let me back up for a minute. The official board of the clinic is in the process of being solidified, the name of the clinic is completed, “Mini-Cassia Community Healthcare Clinic”, 501 (c)(3) has been filed, License with State of Idaho complete and we are well on our way to open in the spring of 2012. Nancy Gerrard and I met with the Cassia County Commissioners on Monday and welcomed and endorsed with great favor. The news of the clinic is welcoming news to the community as a whole especially for those who are uninsured or uninsurable. The clinic will run and operate on private donations as well as grants with the key players being the professional medical staff that will donate their time and talent unto the Lord in taking care of people’s needs. What an awarding venture this is turning out to be. During a break in the conference I took a call from one of our food partners who told me that we are the proud recipients of 13 Pallets of ice cream. We have been putting together and collecting food for our thanksgiving food baskets but never imagined that ice cream would be a part of the boxes. I failed to mention last week, a pallet of breakfast drinks were delivered to the church for distribution, a value of $1,200. It never ceases to amaze me of the amount of donations we have been the recipient of Go God. Speaking of distribution we will be having 2 food giveaways in November, one on the 15th and one on the 20th. The November 15 event will require a registration time please call Chris Bean for more information. The November 20th event we will be doing the coat give away as well as the Job service and kid finger printing as well as limited food, Still working on food for this event. It is proving to be a busy time for the outreach department at Mountain View Christian Center.
I have been dreaming about the concept of “The Church we see”. I was sent a link to a church in Seattle what produced a video with the same name and concept. It made me think what I see. Is the church we presently see the church the Lord sees? I was dreaming on Tuesday morning after my sermon was ready and this is what I came up with. Here is what we see:
The church that we see is a church filled with fervent followers of Jesus Christ whose hearts are ablaze with love for God, love for one another, and love for a needy world where the very atmosphere is charged with fervent prayer, joyful praise, intimate worship and a spirit of faith and expectancy.
The church that we see is not tucked away, sheltered and hidden from the rest of the world. It is a force, an ever-evolving, innovative and dynamic organism, affecting the spiritual climate of her city, her nation and her world. A place where the Great Commission is the first priority, people share their faith, the gospel is preached, churches are planted, and nations are impacted.
The church that we see is a church of great compassion where the needy and hurting are drawn to find hope and answers to their problems. A place where people are healed set free and made whole.
The church that we see is made up of friendly, loving people diverse in culture, history, age and background. Rich and poor, old and young, innocent and guilty, all redeemed, all worshipping in unity together as a testimony to the whole world of God's love, compassion and commitment to all mankind.
The church that we see is filled with the Holy Spirit, demonstrating His fruit, moving in His gifts, and flowing in His power.
The church that we see is a church where God's Word is taught in such a way that people align their values, attitudes, and lifestyle to God's kingdom.
The church that we see is never comfortable with settling down and growing old. We see a church where every member carries the heart of God for the next generation of youth and children.
The church that we see is not tucked away, sheltered and hidden from the rest of the world. It is a force, an ever-evolving, innovative and dynamic organism, affecting the spiritual climate of her city, her nation and her world. A place where the Great Commission is the first priority, people share their faith, the gospel is preached, churches are planted, and nations are impacted.
The church that we see is a church of great compassion where the needy and hurting are drawn to find hope and answers to their problems. A place where people are healed set free and made whole.
The church that we see is made up of friendly, loving people diverse in culture, history, age and background. Rich and poor, old and young, innocent and guilty, all redeemed, all worshipping in unity together as a testimony to the whole world of God's love, compassion and commitment to all mankind.
The church that we see is filled with the Holy Spirit, demonstrating His fruit, moving in His gifts, and flowing in His power.
The church that we see is a church where God's Word is taught in such a way that people align their values, attitudes, and lifestyle to God's kingdom.
The church that we see is never comfortable with settling down and growing old. We see a church where every member carries the heart of God for the next generation of youth and children.
The church we see is raising up a generation, educated and empowered to influence every system of the world for the glory of God! We see a church that recognizes that our youth and children are not the church of tomorrow; they are the church of today, growing up with undeniable experiences with God, wise in relationships, productive in society, flourishing in their callings and planted in God's house - the local church.
The church that we see is so big that people can't ignore it and growing so fast that buildings can't contain it, yet is so small that each person feels a vital part of it - connected together in a network of hundreds of small groups across the city for care, discipleship, ministry and outreach.
The church that we see is a church such passionate devotion, radical conviction, and total commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ that the very gates of hell cannot stop it!
Although there are other worthy organizations and causes, there is NOTHING that compares to THE CHURCH, the Hope of the World, the Bride of Christ. Therefore, the church is central to the world; indeed the world is peripheral to the CHURCH THAT WE SEE.
The church that we see is so big that people can't ignore it and growing so fast that buildings can't contain it, yet is so small that each person feels a vital part of it - connected together in a network of hundreds of small groups across the city for care, discipleship, ministry and outreach.
The church that we see is a church such passionate devotion, radical conviction, and total commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ that the very gates of hell cannot stop it!
Although there are other worthy organizations and causes, there is NOTHING that compares to THE CHURCH, the Hope of the World, the Bride of Christ. Therefore, the church is central to the world; indeed the world is peripheral to the CHURCH THAT WE SEE.
The Church we see is Mountain View Christian Center.
I will be preaching the book of 2 Peter this weekend, You won’t want to miss it, and be sure to invite a friend to church this week…..
Here are the upcoming events:
Time change Saturday Night…..
Saturday November 4th 4:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.. All Church Leadership Summit. If you are doing anything in the church or would like to get involved this is a meeting you will not want to miss. Child care provided , Chef Richard Sizemore will make Chicken Tacos with the condiments provided by each leadership team. Ya all come…
· Sunday November 5th – Communion Sunday
· Nov. 8th-Call in for Mobile FOOD PANTRY/IDAHO FOOD BANK for pick up on Nov. 15th. We need volunteers. See Chris Bean if you are interested.
· Nov.8th-Get out and VOTE!
· Nov. 8th-”Woman 2 Woman” 6:30p.m.-8:30p.m. Special speaker Anita Tallon. (no child care available)
· Nov. 10th-”Light for the Lost” banquet here @ MVCC $7 per person 7p.m. Come and meet the new Light for the Lost District Director. Chicken Fried Steak …
· Nov. 12th– Advance Royal Ranger Training here@ MVCC 8a.m.
· Nov. 14th & 15th-Olan Mills directory completion. See Machie to set up your new appointment time :)
· Nov.15-9a.m. Nutrition class. Pick up your Mobile food pantry food box.
· Nov. 16-”Getting through the holidays” classes taught by Pastor Joy Powell @7 p.m. This will be a 6 week class (excluding Thanksgiving week.)
· Nov. 19th-Men’s Breakfast.
· Nov 23rd-ALL Wednesday night “Family night” classes are postponed, see you on Nov 30th.
· Donate....MVCC is in need of a 6 ft. pre-lit Christmas tree for the “Festival of Trees” outreach. We will accept monetary gifts as well. Contact Pastor Joy Powell for more information.
· Missed the offering tray? Now you can give online (pay-pal), debit or the drop box in the foyer.
· Free Medical Clinic “Mini-Cassia Community Health Care Clinic” is the official name and is in the works!!
· Its not too late to sign up for the Love & Respect Class $12 a couple $6 individual.
WE Love You all,
Pastors Jim & Joy Powell
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