Greetings on this Thursday November 17, 2011. As many of you may know in my previous life just a few short years ago I was in the Real Estate business and had the honor of serving as the President of the Nampa, Idaho association of realtors. It was when the economy saw no sign of slowing. We all know today is a much different scenario. As I walked through those years of greatness I never forgot where I came from. I am a child of God, born of His Spirit and did everything in my power to exemplify the attributes of Christ. I had a philosophy of reaching the unreachable, touch the untouchable, and dream the un dream able. My thought, as I led this organization was to empower people to dream, reach, achieve and serve. My mind races to current date. I received a call from a former colleague last week who was going through a tough time. A recent family split up, Disinagration of business, hopelessness had set in. In the midst of his dilemma, drama and problems he remembered that I was a man of faith that represented not only a Godly business model but lived a Godly life and remembered something I had told him years ago. He told me of his situation and asks me to pray for him. I did and then pointed him to a church and pastor who would be able to assist him further. Often times the drama of life restricts the heavenly flow of creativity and takes the wind out of our sails and steals the dreams from our lives. Child of God, you can reach the unreachable, touch the untouchable, and dream the Un dream able and achieve the unachievable through a relationship with Christ. One of my favorite sayings is this, “You are an over comer, not to be overcame”. As we enter into the weeks ahead of the Holiday season, Thanksgiving, Christmas, family gatherings, it does one of two things. A time of joy or sorrow. I would like to encourage you in the same vein as I did the business community to dream, reach, achieve and serve. Speaking about serving. This week on Tuesday we had another successful food give away to the community. We served a food box to 302 families. What an awesome opportunity we have to actually do our mission statement, not just read it and or talk about it . “ LOVE GOD SERVE PEOPLE”. A huge thank you to our Mountain View Food Pantry director Chris Bean and our Logistics director Craig Byce and the host of volunteers that helped make this a wonderful monthly event. Speaking of events, this Sunday November 20th we will be having a Thanksgiving extravaganza Food give away, as we have 3 partners here; Idaho Food Bank, MVCC Food Pantry & South Central Community Action, plus a Coat give away, Job fair, finger printing for the Kids and a whole lot of fun all this begins at 1:00.
This Weekend I will be preaching on the book of 2 John, 13 verses that deals with the early church and how to love one another and watch out for false teaching. You won’t want to miss this message. It could be the longest or shortest sermon ever preached. Those of you who attend the first service if you could help after service setting up for the giveaway, I would be so grateful. Those of you who attend the second service I will have you out of service by 12:30 (I hope) so we can have a quick bite of lunch provided by our own chef Richard Sizemore (hot dogs and hamburgers) and then if you can help fill Food boxes, deliver groceries to cars or help with the coats. We plan to begin the event at 1:00 P.m. so it will be a bit crazy for a bit. For all of you who are staying; Please Park in the West Parking Lot. If you are planning to volunteer, Please bring warm clothes & gloves. After your service you will need to check in with Craig Byce to get your Volunteer Vest and instructions. This will also be Name Tag Sunday so be sure to get yours in the foyer prior to your service.
Here are the events scheduled that you will see in the church Bulletin on Sunday.
· Friday Night Celebrate Recovery November 18th, at 6:00 p.m.
· Sunday November 20th Food & coat give away set to begin @ 1 p.m.*If you plan on staying for the giveaway, please park on the west side of the parking lot. If you want to volunteer please see Craig Byce.
· Nov. 23rd-ALL Wednesday night “Family night” classes are postponed, see you on Nov 30th.
· Nov. 24th-FREE THANKSGIVING DINNER!! 11 a.m.-4p.m. @ Charlie’s Café in Burley 615 East Main Street. Free delivery in BURLEY only. Your name is address and phone number will be needed. Call 678-5460 for delivery orders.
· Nov 25th-Celebrate Recovery will have a Thanksgiving potluck @ 6 p.m. Be sure to bring your favorite left over.
· Dec.16th-Liberty Quartet 7p.m. here @ MVCC.
· Dec. 8th-Women’s Ministries ornament exchange here at MVCC @
6:30 p.m. If you have any Pampered Chef, Avon, Home Interior, Gold Canyon etc. you would like to bring to sell this would be the day. Contact Joy Powell for more information.
· Wed. Nights 7p.m. “Grief” classes with Pastor Joy.
· Adult Sunday school 9a.m. with Ryan Weimer. Teaching on Max Lucado John 3:16.
· No Senior Fellowship meeting’s for the month of November.
· Missed the offering tray? Now you can give online (pay-pal), debit or the drop box in the foyer.
· THANK YOU! Chris & Ramie Stenzel, Mr. Gas/Debbie Judd, Linda Byce for all you have done for at this coat give away Sunday.
Hope to see You Sunday, and don’t forget to invite a friend to church ..
We Love You all
Pastors Jim & Joy Powell
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