Greetings on This your Weekly Blast Thursday November 24, 2011. I trust you all are setting down relaxing on this Thanksgiving 2011.
This last week was a Huge week for Mountain View Christian Center. On Tuesday November 15th, 2011 we had our Monthly food giveaway in which we gave food boxes to 302 families. The wind was blowing, it was cold but the team came together and made it happen. We then looked to one of the largest events Mountain View ever has endeavored. Our goal was to collect and give out 2000 coats, collect enough food to make a Thanksgiving box for 1500 families, host a job service, host seniors assistance programs plus have available Children Identification Kits. Well we were close when all the dust settled. We gave away 1700 coats, 1400 families received a food box to include a Turkey or Whole Chicken, fresh potatoes, frozen or dried potatoes, yogurt, ice cream, & cookies and various other nutritious items, plus numerous job opportunities were presented to the community as well as Senior Adult assistance. We want to say Thank you to all the corporate and private donors of food and coats and of course a huge Thank you to all the volunteers who helped in various ways. This event we had in excess of 200 volunteers who assisted with smiles, hugs, packing groceries to cars, parking, security, registration, handing out food, coffee carts, hospitality, set up and clean up and more. We did it Mountain View Christian Center.
I was thinking this morning of all the transformation that has taken place at MVCC in the last couple of years. A church that had 3 pastors in 10 years, a church split, numerous hurts fractions and complications to the church we are now is nothing short of miraculous. However it does come with some pain. The pain of; we have to protect, we have to control to make sure to…. To the loss of self control and give God control. I am reminded of the Matthew 9:16-1816 No one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; for the patch pulls away from the garment, and the tear is made worse. 17 Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins, or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”
The change that has been required for Mountain View Christian Center to do and keep doing requires the grace and mercy of God and a tremendous amount of trust, faith and confidence in the Lord. We as a body of Believers with the mission statement of Love God, Serve People must have a new “wine skin” to be able to handle all that God wills to do through the Church and community. You may ask how do I do that, We serve a God of the New. He is able to take out the heart of stone and replace it with a new pliable heart of understanding, forgiveness and grace. Ask Him now, Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,
Let us allow the Lord to do Just that, Exceeding, Abundantly above All we can ask or think…….
I will be preaching the book of 3 John this week end. You won’t want to miss it.
When you come, be sure to invite a friend to come with you.
Here are the announcements you will see Sunday…
· Dec. 8th-Women’s Ministries ornament exchange here at MVCC @ 6:30 p.m. If you have any Pampered Chef, Avon, Home Interior, Gold Canyon etc. you would like to bring to sell this would be the day. Contact Joy Powell for more information.
· Dec. 11th-Pastor Jim Powell will preach on the book of REVALATION.
· Dec. 15th-Leadership budgets are due.
· Dec.16th-Liberty Quartet 7p.m. here @ MVCC.
· Dec. 18th-Kids Christmas program during the second service (11a.m.).
· Dec. 24th-Christmas communion service 6p.m.-7p.m.
· Dec.25th-MERRY CHISTMAS one service from 10a.m.-11a.m.
· Wed. nights 7p.m. “Grief” classes with Pastor Joy and a Love & Respect class with Shauna & Rick Kraus.
· Missed the offering tray? Now you can give online (pay-pal), debit or the drop box in the foyer.
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